Heart Magic

March 9th, 2011

As I sit on my favorite magical porch, waiting for a Thursday afternoon chocolate session to begin, a strong feeling of annoyance begins to permeate my soul. 

“We just seem to be starting later and later all the time.” I ponder to myself while feeling a tad self-righteous. 

As group finally does begin, my frustration shifts to a new judgment. It seems that there is one man in the group who frequently interrupts and begs Keith for attention. I watch as Keith focuses on several newcomers to his porch while constantly being pulled back to work with this other man. 

“This is ridiculous.” I grumble to myself. “I will never get any attention for my own work while this man is on the porch. 

I begin to feel as if my growth doesn’t matter to Keith. I know this to be a lie, yet it seems that the only way I might get some help and guidance would be through some type of emotional outburst. I feel a deep sense of resentment toward this beautiful man – a man who I begin to perceive as a crybaby – a squeaky wheel who steals all of the attention that I desire, leaving no time left over for me. 

No One Will Help Me 

Deep resistance begins to flow through my body.  

“Maybe my time on Keith’s porch is coming to an end.” I ponder sadly. “Maybe Keith is just getting too busy and I will never again get the personal attention that I so desperately crave.” 

“I know these judgments are all a lie.” I continue my silent thought process. “I’m struggling and projecting onto Keith. Maybe I should just schedule a private session to deal with these emotions.” 

Determined to expose my projections, I begin to ponder about past behavioral patterns. I recognize that I have repeatedly made similar projections onto many other teachers, also judging them as too busy or too distant, incapable or unwilling to help me with my personal needs. The common denominator with each of these teachers is that I simply refused to ask for help. 

“They were my teachers.” I think to myself. “They should have known that I needed help. A good teacher would offer personal help. I shouldn’t have to ask for it.” 

I think back to my four months of Moon and Sun courses – times that I loved, but times where I also projected onto Chaty for not being more available to help me. I think back to my two months studying with Nadia in my Holistic Healing course – two months in which I frequently projected (but never expressed) similar judgments. I think of similar projections that I have made onto other teachers and leaders throughout my life. 

Now, here I am, beginning to dump the same judgments onto Keith.  

My pattern is now clearer than ever. I am dealing with a “when is it my turn” energy – a life-long belief that my needs will never be met – that no one will ever help me – that I am un-helpable. Yes, deeply rooted in my core is the belief that I will never get the help that I need – that the help is instead given only to the squeaky wheels. 

Know Thyself 

By the time Keith gets around the circle to work with me, I have become a basket case. Tears are already bubbling to the surface as Keith asks how I am doing. 

“Can I do this without the trauma-drama of tears?” I ask Keith. “Can I simply call in the light to transmute these crazy emotions?” 

“You will do it however you do it,” Keith begins, “but no, this is not a case where you can simply give these emotions over to the light. These emotions need to be examined.” 

“I am being guided to tell you that this is an exercise in ‘know thyself.’” Keith adds. “I want you to dig deeper – to bring in the light and to observe what it shows you – to see what comes up.” 

As I attempt to surrender to the light, I feel nothing, no light at all. Instead I begin to be aware of a feeling of blockage. I sense a wall of resistance scurrying to form at the top of my heart. 

Keeping God Out 

Rae reaches over to hold my hand. As she does so, I become aware of a strong physical sensation in my body. I feel a strong horizontal pressure running from side to side, directly across the middle of my chest, right on top of my heart. I intuitively know that this energy wall is something that I erected during my youth. I desperately want to tear the wall down – to open up my heart more completely. 

“Go deeper.” Keith verbally prods me during a period of silence. 

After a long lingering pause, I continue. 

“This wall is about God.” I begin. “I always felt like God was withholding from me, shunning me, refusing to help me when I begged and begged for help during my teen years.” 

“Yes,” I continue, “this wall is a thick impenetrable wall that I erected to keep God out of my heart – to protect myself from the pain of feeling rejected and abandoned. I was afraid to let God in, so I locked him out.” 

As I take my pondering still deeper, I realize that I constructed this wall for multiple reasons – partly to protect my inner magic that had already been severely shutdown at a very young age – partly to protect myself from parents whose attempts to help would have only driven my shame even deeper into hiding – but mostly as a desperate attempt to hide from the judgmental and fearful God of my youth. 

Yes, I believed that my thoughts and feelings were evil, that God could read my thoughts, and that my horrible transgender struggles would surely merit me an eternal life in Hell. I was determined to keep my heart as shutdown and opaque as possible. 

Deity Drama 

Keith informs me that I am beginning to experience my ‘God drama’ or my ‘Deity drama’ – a state where I begin to further recognize the deeper nature of my inner struggles – that my real problem is with the fact that I am separate from God and that I blame God for being the source of that separation, but in reality it is I who am keeping God out. 

“When you start to work with your God drama you are getting into some very deep and powerful work.” Keith lovingly guides me. 

At the time I do not fully understand all that Keith tells me – but I do know that my biggest struggles are with the divine – feeling separation – feeling abandoned by God – feeling clueless regarding why I often feel as if I am the beginner in a class full of geniuses – feeling that I will never get the help I crave, that for some reason God is withholding the help from me. 

Yes, in my early years, I feared God. I did everything I could possibly do to appease and to please what I saw as a being that could judge me and either reward me or condemn me. I was horribly trapped in the clutches of that belief system.  

Now, rather than seeing God as a judgmental being that needs to be respected and feared, I see my divine source as being a beautiful and unconditional loving presence that permeates everyone and everything. 

But the walls that I built in my youth continue to forcefully prevent this peaceful vibration of loving energy from flowing freely in my body. 

At a very subconscious level, I continue to block the divine energies, while at the same time I feel confused and abandoned at a conscious level, wondering why the energies will not further assist me. 

I project this “God Drama” onto my teachers. While consciously wishing they will help me more, I subconsciously lock them out and sabotage my own growth by maintaining walls of resistance, by refusing to ask for extra guidance, etc… 

Yes, as much as I want divine help, I continue to run subconscious programming that is afraid to let that divine assistance in, blocking it at every turn. My belief systems continue to proclaim that I am un-helpable – that divine assistance might hurt or destroy me – that such help is for everyone else but me. 

A subconscious part of me continues to judge those who cry and ask for help – demanding that I simply sit back in the corner with a smile on my face, pretending to be OK, simply waiting for help that might never be provided. 

As I go deeper into this process, I express to Keith that I am beginning to seriously doubt all of my energetic gifts – to feel as if I am simply a confused fraud – that none of this is real. 

A Small Paradox 

“Remember,” Keith interrupts our discussion, “this is an exercise in ‘know thyself.’ This is not about trying to fix anything. Just continue observing and learning.” 

“Rae,” Keith directs his question at my dear friend. “What do you feel as you continue to hold Brenda’s hand?” 

“I am feeling Brenda’s warm energy coming in through my hand and spreading in my body.” Rae lovingly replies. 

“See Brenda,” Keith adds “even while you are shutting down God, you are sending divine energy to Rae. That is quite the paradox.” 

“Yes, I know.” I reply with a sheepish grin. “All through this entire process I have been consciously focused on sending energy through my hand to Rae. I know this energy is not my own – it is only flowing through me.” 

As I walk away from the ceremony later that evening, I find myself in a very peaceful emotional state. Yes, I still feel the energetic blockage in my heart chakra, but I continue to feel a powerful and peaceful divine energy flowing through me. There is no doubt in my mind that I am on my way toward clearing this bizarre paradox that has shadowed me for decades.

Joyous Jealousy 

As I wake up on Friday, February 11, I find it difficult to believe how fast the days are flying by, yet even more amazing is the fact that each day seems to feel as if it contains an entire lifetime. 

Friday comes and goes quickly. After a beautiful chocolate ceremony in which I am thrilled to simply help others, the evening’s focus then shifts toward Rae. She has scheduled a private session with Keith to explore a deep past-life issue. I feel honored when I am asked to participate. 

As I watch the clarity with which Rae easily slips into the meditation, fully engulfing herself in the emotions of traumatic events that took place in a different dimension, I find myself experiencing very mixed feelings. I am joyous that Rae is finding profound healing, and I am simultaneously jealous that she seems to do it so easily. Again, I see myself with a dunce cap sitting in the back corner, feeling as if I am the only one that never gets it. 

After Rae’s powerful inner work, the two of us sit up talking till after 2:00 a.m.. We are both energetically on fire, basking in the energy of the beautiful events that took place earlier in the evening. 

I love my dear roommate with all of my heart. 

Oohhmming For Anger 

As my eyes first pop open during the early morning darkness, I am completely caught off guard by the feelings of anger that permeate my soul – yet the anger is not on the surface, it is buried quite deeply. 

While contemplating my emotional dilemma, my psychological training begins to jump into the foreground proclaiming that to the uninformed observer, I must literally appear to be bipolar, rapidly swinging back and forth between joy and depression while suspended on a high-speed pendulum of intense mood swings. 

I desperately want Rae’s love and assistance, but I also desperately want to isolate myself, pushing everyone away so as not to involve them in what feels like a downward spiral of self-destruction. 

I can only speculate how crazy I must appear to my sweet roommate. Yet in my heart I know that I am not crazy, that I am literally zeroing in on an intense fear-filled core issue, and that I must continue pushing forward into what feels like utter chaos. 

Again remembering my recent experiences in which vocal toning assisted me in accessing suppressed anger, I make a decision. While continuing to lie on my bed in the dark, I begin to lightly chant “ooohhhhmmm” in a barely-audible manner. As I do so, the anger begins to swell and surface. The anger is simultaneously accompanied by intense clarity. 

God Drama Revisited 

“I am deeply angry at God,” my heart whispers loudly. 

The more I verbally express my quiet gentle tones, the stronger the intense unexplainable anger swells in my heart. The emotions tell me that I am deeply angry at God for having abandoned me – not only now in my present-day spiritual pursuits, but throughout my life. 

Even though I know these thoughts to be just a silly lie, I allow the emotions to build, allowing them to find a healthy form of expression. Yes, these emotions are real – emotions that have been buried deeply in my soul since a very young age – emotions that continue to affect me on a daily basis at the subconscious level. 

“Are you OK?” Rae whispers with a concerned voice as she quietly enters my room. Even with my attempts to restrain my volume, she could not help but hear and feel my emotional journey. 

Rae and I spend several hours in deep loving conversation. Some of my anger has found its way to the surface, but much remains buried, stuffed and covered under layers of deep emotional debris. I do not allow myself to fully express the suppressed emotions. I will not allow myself to dump them onto Rae. 

Avril soon knocks at the door, and I again explain my roller-coaster ride to her. Another beautiful conversation ensues, but the emotional densities continue to agitate throughout my body. 

Holding Space 

Had it not been for a previous commitment, I might have spent the afternoon in complete isolation, but I had previously promised to assist Keith in a private session with three student interns and their chaperone, all of them living in the Xela area. Desperately wanting to be around Keith’s high-vibration energy, I stroll out to his porch for the Saturday afternoon encounter. After briefly explaining my emotional state, I ask for Keith’s advice regarding whether my presence would be helpful or just a burden. To my surprise, he asks me to remain. 

For the next six hours, I do nothing but hold a space of loving silence, meditatively focusing every ounce of my consciousness into simply trying to remain connected to higher energies. When the session is over, Keith walks me home in the dark. I break out in tears as I express my continued feelings of anger and hopelessness. 

“Will you please explain to Rae about what I am going through,” I beg Keith. “I know my emotional mood swings must be extremely difficult for her to tolerate, and I don’t want this to affect our relationship in a negative way. 

Loving Reassurance 

To my delight both Rae and Avril are still talking in the living room when Keith follows me through the front door. 

“Brenda is going through some extremely deep core emotional growth right now,” Keith tells them after an initial greeting. “I want you to know that what she is doing is extremely powerful for her. Please be patient with her, support her through this journey, and don’t take her mood swings personally.” 

I feel so grateful at hearing Keith’s kind and reassuring words. I know those words help both Rae and Avril, Keith’s words also give me the loving reassurance that I desperately need – reassurance that I am not certifiably crazy – that I am not on my way to the funny farm. 

To my surprise, I am soon able to relax and drift into dreamland. I have no idea what Sunday morning might bring. I only know that my emotions remain on “red alert.” 

Clenched Energy Flow 

The first half of Sunday’s chocolate ceremony is joyous and amazing. At every turn, I find myself working what feels like magic on people – sending them loving energies with my heart and my hands. As I move from one person to the next, I often get instant feedback, most of it internal, that what I am doing is truly making an energetic difference.  

At one point in the ceremony, Keith begins to guide a young woman in some soul-retrieval work. In this beautiful work, Keith guides the woman to work with an energy that she had pushed out of herself when she was young – an energy that contains part of her own inner magic that was kept safe by her Higher Self. 

As Keith gently nudges the young woman through her process, I get a strong intuition telling me that now is the time to switch from healer mode back into meditation mode. 

I begin to envision another piece of my own inner magic – a piece of magic that I pushed out of my body as a very young child. I feel this energy wanting to rejoin me in my own energy field, wanting to reconnect with me after all of these years of being kept safe by my Higher Self. 

Tears quickly begin to trickle down my cheeks – tears that soon transform into powerful and emotional sobs. 

“Brenda, go deeper … this is powerful work,” Keith reassures me. 

I soon realize that Keith has asked several other people to surround me with their presence to support me in this new process. 

“I’m guided to tell you something quite strange.” Keith again interjects. “I want you to find an energy that says ‘No, no, I don’t want that part of myself back … no, no, I don’t want it.’” 

Keith’s guidance sounds quite strange, but with Keith I have learned to implicitly trust “strange.” I begin to focus on finding and reinforcing my inner resistance. 

Soon, I find what at first feels like a scared puppy. I quickly recognize this puppy as “Sharon”, the little three-year-old inner child with whom I worked extensively last November. As the meditation spirals deeper, I intuitively sense that this little girl is clenching every one of her muscles in a desperate attempt to shut off the energy flow in her body – desperately attempting to prevent the divine energies from being able to move freely. My mind immediately flashes to memories of a woman I once worked with on Keith’s porch – a woman who was doing exactly that with her tightly clenched hands and feet. 

I immediately recognize that my little inner child is providing me with a powerful metaphor, showing me exactly how I shut down my own energies. It was not God that stopped sending me the energies, it was me that clenched my body so tightly that I could no longer feel them. 

Tale of Two Energies 

“I have a severe headache throbbing in a very small area, right on top of my third-eye chakra,” I tell Keith with surprise. 

Keith then gives me another strange set of instructions.  

“Brenda, embrace and hold the ‘No, I don’t want this energy’ voice in one of your hands. Then use your other hand to work with and to follow the energy in your forehead.” 

Keith goes on to explain that the headache is a result of energy blockage that was caused when I shut my energy down as a young child. 

I begin to focus on two simultaneous efforts. For what must have been an hour or more, I use the bunched-up fingers of my right hand to slowly track the energy in my forehead. To my surprise, the pain gradually moves, ever so slowly. First it moves along my right eyebrow, remaining above my eye, moving until it reaches the outside corner of my right eye. Next the pain moves directly into my right eye itself, reinforcing a message that I wrote about last fall – a message triggered by fears of a cataract – a message telling me that I am not seeing with my right eyes. Then, to my surprise, the painful energy moves up into my temple and then to the right side of my head, just above my ear. Finally, the energy moves to the upper right side of my forehead – the place where it finally fades to a mild ache. 

While tracing this amazing energy in my head – the mobile nature of which strongly confirms that the energy is not a physical headache – I also focus on little Sharon, the three-year-old inside of me who is tightly clenching her body, doing everything that she can to prevent the energies from flowing. I lovingly hold her in my energy field, sending love to comfort her intense fear. I imagine myself gently rubbing her hands and feet, soothing and encouraging her to relax and to allow. All the while, I am extremely careful to retain the image of a scared puppy, never pushing Sharon, always responding to her energy with loving support. 

Finally, as I sense that my inner journey is complete, I give myself permission to do something which I have often judged in others. I lie down on a large pillow and simply zone out during the remainder of group. 

“It is time to learn how to break the silly rules that I myself made up.” I tell myself while simply doing what I want to do. Peace and joy fill my heart. 

Addiction Turnarounds 

After a round of joyful hugs, Rae and I make our way into town to feed our ravished hunger. When our stomachs are delightfully full, we wander over to a local restaurant to find some type of yummy dessert. While there, we bump into several women who were at today’s ceremony. 

One of the woman proceeds to tell me how much Keith’s porch needs me. She goes on to tell me about how she spent lots of the time in group today manifesting that I would come over to work with her. 

“I could feel your powerful love.” The woman tells me genuinely. 

“I am growing quite addicted to Keith’s porch.” I respond, trying to divert the attention away from me. 

“Keith’s porch is addicted to you.” The woman counters with a loving glimmer in her eye. 

I cannot help but float all the way home, my heart being alive with joy and gratitude for the beautiful feedback. 

Confidentiality Comments 

It is with deep and humble reverence that I proceed with this next story – a story involving a young man whom I shall refer to as John (not his real name). At the start of the session, Keith swore the entire group to secrecy, while at the same time telling John that he was free to share his experiences with anyone of his choosing. At the end of the session, while John and I were talking to Keith, Keith suddenly paused, looked at John, and told him that I am writing a blog about my growth experiences. 

“Would it be OK with you if Brenda writes about today’s experiences in her blog?” Keith asks John. 

My heart swells with delight when John gives a positive answer. Even so, I will keep my commentary to a minimum in order to protect John’s privacy. 

Shift In Plans 

At the start of our Monday afternoon group, Keith makes a surprising announcement. 

“I have a young man in my house that needs our help desperately, and today’s session will be all about him. Since none of you will be getting personal attention, this session is on me. If you want to stay to help, please do. If you do not feel called, feel free to leave.” 

To my delight, no one opts to leave. There are nine of us who are eager to be of assistance in any way that we can. 

Shared Space 

“I am guided to tell you all that John’s story is quite real,” Keith begins to fill us in. “He is not making any of this up, and we are going to help him.” 

My heart swells with love as I listen to the background – information that I most likely would not have believed just ten short months ago. Truth resonates through my soul as I now listen to the story unfold. 

During the chocolate ceremony yesterday, I had worked with John extensively, assisting him in achieving a great deal of emotional release. At that time, I was clueless as to the nature or depth of John’s tears. Later Sunday evening, John had gone much deeper into those tearful emotions, sharing his unusual story with a friend. After a very difficult night, John showed up this morning on Keith’s porch, asking for help, knowing it was time for something to change. 

A year or two before John was born his mother had been pregnant with another child. John does not know specific details, but he does know that the baby boy died before he was born. Ever since John can remember, he has known that his baby brother has been sharing space with him, inside of his own body, mostly in his solar plexus. John used to talk to his brother when he was very young, and has always felt his presence with him. 

Loving Lessons 

Keith asks John to sit in the middle of the circle. The rest of us surround him, some in chairs, some sitting nearby on the floor. I choose to sit at his right side, cross-legged, close enough to help in whatever way necessary. 

John begins to cry almost immediately. Perhaps crying is not an adequate word. John sways his body in large circles while deeply held tears stream down his cheeks like small-but-raging rivers. 

I gently place one hand on John’s chest and one on his back, sending him loving support, letting him know that I am here to hold space in whatever way he needs. It takes all of my strength to sway with John, being vigilant to flow with him, making no effort whatsoever to restrict his movements. As I connect with his energy, I feel my own solar plexus tighten up considerably. 

Keith begins to talk extensively while guiding John through his process, giving John’s rational mind all of the feedback it needs in order to allow the process to continue. 

“This is not about taking your brother’s spirit out of you,” Keith begins, “this is about releasing him with your love. This is an agreement that the two of you made before this lifetime. It is a teaching opportunity to help you connect with other dimensions.” 

“You are being forced to deal with the reality of other dimensions via your connection with your brother,” Keith continues, “so that when he leaves, you can then have the training and the faith that you need to learn to communicate with higher, more-evolved, enlightened beings in other dimensions.” 

Doubts Revisited 

Keith asks several of the empaths in the group to assist John by helping him to release his pain and fear, allowing him to go forward with the process that needs to unfold. As I watch the process unfold, I again begin to shrink in confidence, fully recognizing that others around me have energy gifts that I cannot even come close to emulating. 

I note that Keith is keeping very close tabs on these empaths, coaching them frequently, keeping them safe from consuming the dense energies into their own bodies. Soon, I silently giggle as I realize the hidden compliment in the fact that Keith hardly pays me any attention at all. Many times he has told me that he trusts me implicitly and he knows that there is no need to watch me. I take this as a deep compliment and simply do what I know – I radiate love, I do Reiki, and I share a peaceful heart-energy vibration, using my essence to create a safe and loving space in which John can do his own work. 

Energetic Rebirth 

What happens next surprises us all. Without communicating to us verbally, John lies back and begins to twist and move his body as if he is in labor, giving birth to a new baby. The process continues for most of the next hour. If I did not know better, I might have believed that he was indeed a pregnant woman in childbirth, enduring deep pain, struggling to free the new life that lives within. 

Finally, after a long and tearful process, Keith announces that the process is over, that the spirit has been lovingly released. John continues to cry lightly for another ten to fifteen minutes while he gradually regains his composure and presence. John appears to be deeply emotional as he grieves the loss of his life-long companion and brother. 

Suddenly John begins to laugh. 

“I see him.” John exclaims with joy. “He is a black baby, being born right now in Africa. He has his own body and is very happy with his mother.” 

“I am being guided to tell you that you will meet this brother in person,” Keith interjects. “The two of you will definitely cross paths in this physical reality.” 

Mirror, Mirror, On the Wall 

After a period of resting and integration, John sits up and begins to sip a little drinking water. As several of us tell John how different and alive he looks, Keith asks someone to go into the bathroom to bring out a mirror. 

“It’s me! It’s me!” John exclaims through joyful tears while staring deeply at his own reflection in the mirror. 

His eyes are alive with love and joyful innocence, as if he were just born today in genuine purity. 

“John,” Keith interrupts. “I am getting clear guidance that you need to go swimming in the lake today – before it gets dark. I don’t know why, but I am being told very clearly that you need to get into the lake today.” 

Soon, John begins to work his way to standing, making early preparations to say goodbye. 

Back To Me 

“I am experiencing a deep pain in my solar plexus,” I tell Keith as the session is at an end. 

“You want to give birth too,” Keith responds matter-of-factly. 

Somehow I believe that Keith literally means what he said – that something in my own solar plexus is just dying to wake up and to be free. 

A Valentines Day Gift 

John gradually makes his way around the porch, giving everyone a hug, spending a few seconds with each person. 

By some strange synchronicity, I happen to be the last one in line. When John and I put our arms around each other, I suddenly feel a powerful energy burst in my heart – as if someone just switched on a huge spotlight of magical unconditional love. I feel as if my heart is about to explode with unbelievable radiating magic. 

John looks at me with shock and amazement in his eyes as he feels the powerful energy exchange taking place between us. My heart is on fire, shining a force that blows me away with unconditional love. 

John does not want to let go. I don’t want to let go. The powerful magical energy continues to flow between us. While I do not know what I am doing, I intuitively know that I am indeed doing something and that this energy is definitely flowing from within me. My heart seems to know exactly what to do, not needing any guidance from me. It simply shines its light – and a brilliant light it is. All I want to do is to continue observing the process in utter amazement. 

We vacillate repeatedly between hugs, eye staring, and forehead touching. Several times John weakly utters the words “I love you”. As I begin to feel weak and dizzy, I respond with my own “I love you too.” 

I intuitively know that I have magically given birth to a new heart power. I have felt and experimented with this powerful radiant sensation of unconditional love for a very long time, but today it is more radiant and strong than I have ever felt.  

Finally, I begin to share with John that what he is experiencing is pure unconditional love, telling him that this is what true divine love is all about. Were it not for the fact that Keith had told him to go to the lake, I do believe that John and I could have stood there for hours, basking in the glow of that beautiful divine love. 

As John walks away from Keith’s porch, a powerful little Jedi voice in my soul whispers loudly, “Happy Valentines Day, Brenda. This expanded heart is a new gift for you – a beautiful and genuine gift for you to share with the world.” 

Tears of Joy 

As John finally leaves the porch on his way to the lake, I barely have strength to collapse into a nearby chair. Within seconds I begin to spout joy-filled tears as I ponder the amazing energy that just woke up inside of my heart. I simply cannot contain the joy that wants to spill forth. 

Seeing my tears, Keith walks over for a brief chat. I savor the opportunity to share the details of what just occurred. 

Valentines Vibrations 

Rae and a couple women from the group decide to make a salad and a yummy raw-food-chocolate pie. They plan to devour their treats after first visiting the sauna at a local hotel. I am invited, and a little bit of my old ego self wants to say yes, telling me how pathetic it would be to spend Valentines night home alone. 

But the new heart magic in me is so mesmerizing that I want nothing more than to spend a quiet evening alone, simply integrating the newfound energy that is vibrating powerfully inside of me. I deeply crave an opportunity to lie down and integrate. 

For the first few moments in which I am alone, I begin to slip into a feeling of victimization about my friends partying while I am home alone – but I quickly take care of that silly trauma-drama by switching immediately back into my glowing heart space. 

For the remainder of the evening I stretch out on the bed, basking in the sensation of my heart being energetically on fire. The energy simply flows unobstructed, and I love every moment of the experience. 

A few hours later, when Rae returns home, I invite her to sit on the daybed and talk. 

“Whoa … is that vibration coming from you?” Rae exclaims with surprise. “It feels as if the whole area around you is vibrating.” 

I simply smile and respond “yes.” I love this amazing new gift of heart magic. I cannot think of a more wonderful way to spend Valentines Day – an amazing day that I will never forget. 

Copyright © 2011 by Brenda Larsen, All Rights Reserved


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